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Ireland’s leading maritime newspaper covering the Coastal, Fishing and Maritime Communities

A programme for Government

The future government of Ireland featuring Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and a number of Independent TD’s have published a programme for government which features a ‘roadmap’ of explorations and aspirations for the fisheries, marine and coastal communities.

Photo: John Cunningham

As the late Joey Murrin always said, “It’s all about the fish!” – If we don’t have the fish to catch or be allowed to catch our fair share all the hopes and aspirations are not worth the paper they are written on.

Let us hope whoever is looking after us in the near future pays heed to all the wise advice from the industry and around our communities so that we can hopefully bring us back from the brink. We publish the programme below with cynical optimism – a lot to ponder and query some elements omitted that hopefully will be addressed in the future such as heritage licences, inshore supports, ringfencing, etc ….

Programme for Government - Fisheries and the Marine

We deeply value the role of fisheries in the future of our country and the communities that rely on this activity for their livelihood.

We will stand up for fisheries in quota negotiations to return the maximum yield, while maintaining stock levels according to the latest scientific evidence. We will also maintain support for the inshore fishing sector, aquaculture as well investing in our State Fishery Harbour Centres and public marine infrastructure.

This Government will:
• Re-establish a Minister of State for Fisheries/Marine who will work closely with the Cabinet Minister.
• Publish a five-year Fisheries Sector strategy that will include an examination of the processing sector.
• Continue to support and promote improvements in fisheries and aquaculture.
• Examine incentives for fishers to land their catch in Irish ports, with a view to support the domestic processing sector.
• Fight at EU level for Common Fisheries Policy reforms that ensure fairer quotas for Irish fishers and due recognition is given to the proportion of fish species caught in Irish waters.
• Promote the sustainability of fish stocks, while ensuring sufficient supply of species to allow fishers into the future derive a fair return.
• Liaise with fishing stakeholders and request that Revenue examine the current tax allowances for the sector and bring forward recommendations on how the taxation system can further support its progression.
• Explore fleet adjustment measures and consider any changes given the ever evolving scientific advice on fish stocks.
• Support the Seafood/Offshore Renewable Energy Working Group in providing an important bridge to facilitate discussion on issues arising from the interaction of these sectors, and to encourage open dialogue between stakeholders.
• Defend Irish Fishing interests ahead of the 2026 review of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement and in discussions on third countries.
• Work at EU level to increase supports to the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund.
• Ensure the promotion of marine education courses and degree programmes with a view to increasing enrolments.

Coastal Communities

This Government will:
• Ensure the diversification of coastal economies and establish new openings beyond traditional industries.
• Support coastal communities towards benefitting from the development of offshore renewable energy projects.
• Review and strengthen conservation measures for marine ecosystems and wildlife. We will also expand Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)and establish wildlife sanctuaries.
• Continue to support the sustainable development of our aquaculture sector and modernise and streamline aquaculture licencing in the State through legislation changes.
• Set up a Maritime Regeneration, Development and Conservation Fund. This fund will support harbours, marinas, and tourism development as well as actions to address coastal erosion.
• Liaise with Fαilte Ireland to launch a Marine Tourism Strategy. This will be aimed at drawing domestic and international tourists to our coastal villages.
• Market eco-tourism by providing support to wildlife activities such as whale and dolphin watching. We will also safeguard marine species while expanding the tourism industry.
• Establish initiatives that will protect our maritime cultural heritage.

Other items featured in the programme worth mentioning are:


This Government will:
• Provide ringfenced funding for projects on the islands under all rural development funding programmes to support those living on our islands.
• Ensure the national policy for the islands, Our Living Islands, is fully implemented to support sustainable development for island residents.
• Examine the roll out of e-health facilities to more offshore islands

Irish Coast Guard

This Government will:
• Complete the roll out of the Transformation Programme for the Irish Coast Guard, including an independent review of the role of the Coast Guard volunteer.
• Build on the recent enhancements to the IRCG’s Search and Rescue (SAR) function provided for under the new SAR contract, which includes a fixed wing element for the first time, to deliver enhanced search and rescue support for our public, industry, and our coastal and island communities in particular.
• Provide support to voluntary search and rescue organisations


This Government will:
• Support investment in our commercial and passenger port infrastructure through a new National Ports Policy.
• Work with ports to support investments to facilitate offshore renewable energy development including constructing, maintaining and servicing renewable infrastructure, with a regionally balanced approach.
• Support our commercial state ports to access funding streams.
• Ensure our ports have the current and future capacity to meet the needs of a growing economy.
• Perform resilience testing on all ports and sea routes to ensure contingency plans are in place.
• Improve rail connectivity into our 79 Programme for Government strategic national ports for persons and freight.
• Conclude and enact the Merchant Shipping (Investigation of Marine Accidents) Bill 2024, which will facilitate the establishment of the Marine Accident Investigation Unit as well as providing for the regulation of offshore service vessels, including offshore renewable energy service vessels.
• Progress the ILV Granuaile vessel replacement programme with the Commissioners of Irish Lights

Protecting and Enhancing Inland Fisheries

The Government is committed to preserving our inland fisheries and recognises their contribution to the rural economy and their environmental benefit. We will work to ensure our inland waters continue to be sustainable and well-managed to support both local communities and ecosystems.

This Government will:
• Bring forward an action plan to maintain healthy fish stocks and safeguard inland fisheries as an important resource for rural areas.
• Protect and recognise the Great Western Lakes as salmonoid waters, so they will continue to be pristine habitats for native fish species.
• Modernise and consolidate legislation pertaining to inland fisheries.
• Carry out an independent review of Inland Fisheries Ireland.
• Work to provide robust oversight and accountability by engaging with the inland fisheries sector.